
Discover the New Version of the Booking Engine
For most of our customers, the Booking Engine is the most important feature that we provide. Using the Booking Engine they can capture a direct booking via their website and pay fewer commissions to OTAs.
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Bell Tents, Yurts, and Treehouses: What Glamping Businesses Are Doing Right
There are many reasons why glamping sites are popular nowadays. Captivating views, cozy interior design, and unusual types of accommodation are just some examples of things that encourage travelers to go glamping. In recent years, the glamping trend has been growing, and it’s accelerating quickly.

Digital Waivers for Your Travel Business
Learn what digital waivers are and why they might be important for your business. Check if you should ask your guests to sign a liability waiver upon the check-in.

How to Handle Cancellations in Bookinglayer
If a guest is not able to make it to your place and needs to make an amendment or cancel their reservation you have a number of different actions that you could take.

2020 Travel Trends and What They Mean for Your Adventure-Based Business
The travel industry has been growing year by year for some time now. Travelers’ expectations and preferences are changing. As a business owner, how can you adapt to the current travel trends? How to offer your guest the best experiences?

Why We Embrace Slow Growth
Bottom line Bookinglayer is a tech company and usually, tech companies raise lots of funding to scale to big numbers as fast as possible. Here is why we’ve chosen a different approach and embraced slow growth.

Opening a New Location? These Are Your Options With Bookinglayer
When you are in the process of opening an additional location for your sports camp or retreat business, you might want to know how to structure it within your Bookinglayer reservation system. This article highlights the options that you have.

A Guide for Organizing Yoga Retreats
In this guide, we highlight the different steps to organize your next yoga retreat. From preparing what your program will look like, to budgeting costs and marketing your retreat.